Saturday, September 10, 2011

Practice 04 - Offset-Path Sweep

So you probably already know how to create a Swept Boss/Bass. Sketch a 2D profile on one plane, then in another sketch on a perpendicular plane, starting from the center of the profile, sketch a 2D/3D path you want it to follow. Easy, right?

Well, in this exercise you'll learn that the path doesn't have to attach to the center of the profile.

Start off by making your path. You usually want to start with the profile, but doing it this way will make it easier to understand at first glance.
Click image for full view

Start your drawing from the Origin, as shown above. Add a curve or bend, just to make it interesting.
  When you're done, hit Rebuild to exit the sketch. Make sure any curves you add are tangent to any attached line.

Start a new sketch on the appropriate plane, draw a circle and define a wall thickness. Attach the very bottom of the circle (Instead of the center.) to the Origin. As shown below.

Click Image for full view
Next, initiate the sweep.
Click Image for full view

Wherever the profile is attached, (in this case, the bottom of the circle) will follow along the determined path respectively.
Click Image for full view
This method is useful for the semi-rare circumstance where you know the inside radius (or outside) of a bend, but not the exact center.

Click to animate

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Talk to me if you have any special topic requests.

If you're confused or having trouble and need assistance, talk with another apprentice to see if they can help, or you can call/text/email me any time I'm not in the shop.